Nelson Mandela International Day

The Project Dignity and Subz Washable Pads and panties team had a great Nelson Mandela International Day raising funds and creating awareness at Gateway Theatre of Shopping VIP. Thank you to everyone that came to donate and support the work that we do. It was wonderful to meet so many caring and supportive people <3 […]

Pregashnie and Avantika Naidoo

Our wonderful Subz representatives from Cape Town, Pregashnie and Avantika Naidoo, went to Thailand recently to celebrate Pregashnie’s 50th birthday. While they were out there they visited a local school and spoke to a group of Thai schoolgirls about puberty and menstruation. They then gifted four of the girls with a pack of Subz Washable Pads and panties that will last them for 3 years. Thank you for helping to empower ALL girls to reach their full potential.
Susan Gilbert Barnes Founder of Subz Pants and Pads and Project Dignity

Chesterville Secondary School

Thursday the Catholic Women’s League changed 100 girls lives. Thanks very much for supporting Project Dignity to help educate and donate Subz Menstrual Mangement Kits to the girls of Chesterville Secondary School.
Karen Scott
Merle Green from Nedbank assisted the girls with information on study loans nd positions within Nedbank

Edendale Hospital

Yesterday was a very different Saturday afternoon

The Hirsch team consisting of Biance, Kuhle, Dayne and I went to

Whizzkids United who run a Health Academy in Edendale, which is a township area just outside of PMB. Read more